Garrosh Falls to Darkwind 25-man Team by Shadram
Posted by NewsUncategorized 2014-07-30 inThe night has been a long time coming. Darkwind members geared and upgraded, practiced their rotations, nailed the raid mechanics leading up to this point. There were many nights, many attempts where Garrosh eluded us.

Garrosh fell at the hands of multiple 10-man groups within the guild, but Darkwind wanted the victory, with a group of 25 raiders.
Tonight was going to be the night. People were ready to fight.
Garrosh sent his iron stars rolling, sent wolves and orcs our way. He put us through trials to break our focus. He tried to control our minds, corrupt us, desecrate the ground on which we stood.

But Darkwind, in the end, was victorious.
With Garrosh defeated at the hands of Darkwind, who knows what the future holds for our guild. But it was a feat of strength, a feat that goes to show that we have what it takes to take on whatever comes our way.

Tanks: Daisysmash, Seraphroy
Heals: Balthes, Korexi, Liarawolf, Qatharin, Shadram
Melee DPS: Bakey, Beladenoir, Derekil, Joyus, Rakkaan, Shoeboots, Theodreth, Wìdowmaker
Ranged DPS: Addelaede, Ahvena, Axlos, Bloodshox, Draycos, Hugdwa, Kulwych, Nevermeltice, Podrick, Solies